Cover of Shadow of the Gorgon

Cyclopedia Gorgones

Cyclopedia Gorgones

Shadow of the Gorgon has an [Elizabethan tone with a rocknroll fantasy novel of Investigation and Adventure


The Gospel of Euryale A Folio of occult lore was stolen from an inner vault of the academy Library. A mother of pearl book of the goddess yes it was

Kelstung token, Dwarrow Goralche, artefact. “wear it and our kind will know you, as an ally and give you succour”


  • ❤️ Archy (Steddorn , a dwarrow holder of Kerughast. ‘ “Hidden Memory” in the old tongue. Dwarrow nobles and scholars are all exposed to vast amounts of knowledge for the first ten years of their lives. Journals and Chronicles are read to babies as they sleep. ‘

  • Mycelia

    • Azul Fungus - was Blue Fungus
    • Viridian Fungus - Red Fungus is now GREEN
  • Lady Betheldut, guardian of the Sepulchre of the Scale, a Boggart

  • Crecain, Admiral - Lord Admiral  O’Diouth Crecain III Commander of the Second Navy and Vice Chancellor of the Steeple College.

  • ❤️ Evvy - Evridiche Evvy Adieusur nee Medusae, Everdiche Iannos

    • She’s a sculptor
    • daughter of Sthenno, grand daughter of The Medusae
    • Eyes: Amber caramel
    • Archy first finds her in the old village of Kinemere
    • Evvy is flawed, and in love and kick Ass. She is a Kind person in a way that Indiana Jones never seems to be. she has an eight year old bay mare called Nance. Evvy ****grew up a Hellasian child in Destra. Hellas mythology as a second religion.
    • 20 serpents (now 19) on her red-haired head. Cara dies
    • Terrified of water her brother hugo was staked out on a Hellan beach to drown as a heretic
    • Fear of enclosed spaces
  • Remove horses are frightened of Evvy

  • add her as a locksmith archer in Ch1 ( 1 sentence, nice and easy!)

The Gift and the Gaze

Narreid Thragmeston, her lover, abandoned her at the altar to become Baron of Bermansea ( he stole Gospel of Gorgon mother of pearl book. One if the reasons Evvy has come to Bayard? is she hunting for the occult book? is this why she is an Investigator?

  • Lady Betheldut- Boggart gives her the emerald amulet, as a talisman from the Viridian Witch

The city guard of Bayard are suspicious of her statues ( victims)

Evvy’s power levels 1- 5

By the end of Book 1 she gains a role in the Steeple College Academy as an Investigator

By Book2 she learns magic

Evvy becomes an Archmage Investigator by the end of book 6

  • Sthenno aka ViridianWitch - Evvy’s mum

    • Descended from an Elohim - was a servant of the Wyrdsinger a wounded alfar - once she was a beautiful person then she got scarred by life. She abandoned her husband and daughter in a quest for power and meaning aka Mother Shipyarn
  • Erinyes Medusae? - Evvy’s lovely moral grandma

  • Kirk Wyrdson -guardian of the Isle a dwarrow

  • Professor Feltzburg - Professor of Antiquities & Anthropology at the Swannaton Institute.

  • Lady Betheldut - a boggart

  • Melusan a playwright who composes tragedies

  • ❤️ Deacon Shaw a Sufi monk who loves chess and game analogies - a Covey

    • A worker of lesser magica - Seeming and animal speech
    • A Scrivener in the town of Bayard, writes letters for money
    • Head of the Covey Conclave - Oliver. Neurodiverse, Has trust and attention issues
    • he smells of classroom chalk and musk.
  • The Viridia Witch The Clathrus Queen(Clathrus archeri, Devil’s Fingers fungus)

Clathrus archeri

Clathrus archeri

  • Ben ‘Toast ‘ Garpton . A covey Ratkin monk.
  • Dean Newthrall, a covey

“dwarrow teachings of Huracki, Osmunde and Tiathrenvall”

“red the dream teachings of Goralche”

Archy’s prophecy

“Your doom is at hand young one, yet there is still time to ride the storm, travel to the mouth of the silver mare and uncover what was stolen from the whiskered ones”

“Stone carver, you have abandoned your kinsmen, but have not been abandoned by them. The Learned college are not what they seem and wisdom will follow once you can see without sight.”

Archy will become a basalt dwarrow

“Begin with the fallen’ the last scribe said. ‘Reexamine all that went before and “who your allies really are.”

.A Insert he sees Evvy dead in a rockpool with a mother of pearl diary in her mouth

The Cerranir relic. A staff

“The staff of Cerrani contains the soul of a vengeful man called Adivari Genarr. Alive he was a deadly sorcerer. In life he murdered”

Races & Monsters

  • **Dwarrow
    • The Goralche a Western tribe who designed the Ixmoor segment of the Labyrinth. Archy’s father was one of them
  • Fae (greater genus)
  • Alfar - archaic
  • Human
  • Gorgon
  • Mycelia, Greater
    • Herald - the eyes and mouth of the Mycelia
  • Oosers
  • Coveys
  • Tabbno
  • Wolf men
  • Ful list D. Destra RPG

Gods and Godesses

Nodas - Alfar god of thieves and rogues


Organisations and factions

the Temple of Ophidia aka The Ceraphic Church aka ) is ruled over by his Eminence, the Empth, 39th Scion and Castellan of the Immortal corps. The priests are consecrated by consuming dust from relics (actually the bones of gorgons /monsters)

A priest in the livery of Sains Ceraph-im

  • The Academy - Steeple College Academy
  • Admiralty
  • The Arichay of Samirkana were a group of dwarrow who had abandoned the ways of the surface dwellers in pursuit of science, magic and martial prowess.
  • The Swannaton Institute.
  • League of Mystra Sthenno’s League (Guild) of Monsters
  • The Labyrinth, now a mycelial organism

Countries & Places



Bayard (Dartmouth ) A port with Tariearr (dutch ) influence, fishers, a naval college (the Academy) and great ice cream. Also of note.

  • The Chapel of Sains Gramond a temple of the
  • The Sains Gramond market famous for occult and arcane books Evvy hunts here
  • Celstine chamber
  • Evvy’s studio house on Portview lane
  • Rivermouth Castle
  • Cave Wine Sellers - Julian &Suzette +2 kids
  • Rosenstrasse Salon - Brothel
  • Weavers House
  • Chequered Pig Inn. Selky McBride - mermaid?

Further afield

  • Dukesweir was Kingswear

The Dragon Tale Isle - A Dwarrow holt, a rural village in a river valley on an isle to the south +FastRabbitFarm-as-a-Dwarrow-Holt

  • Uthbeldur a Dwarrow citadel
  • Prymouth - a Fungal Ettin
  • KayTor -(Torquay) home to whores,  gamblers, playwrights and rich merchants den, French  influence
  • Totnes +++= change to …..Stown
  • Emerro city the capital, where Archy lives
  • Heartley, 14 lycanthrope
  • Dressingham docks - 34 boggarts
  • Sandhaven a seaside town - where Evvy grew up
  • Yellriston was more tolerant
  • Bermansea is a Barony of lakes (lake District)
  • Thetmoor

Other countries

  • Kepress = Cyprus
  • Ferrus = France. Epanferrus = French “ newly imported books from Ferrus”
  • Flerence - Italy Flerencian Italian = 🇨🇮
  • Panierre =Spain Panrish = Spanish (to call a Panierre a basketcase is a term of abuse)
  • Tariearr - Holland Taritch = Dutch
  • Hellas - Greece   Hellian = Greek 🇬🇷
  • Aegina Sophios
  • Aramanth - Arabia


300 years ago a potter and her husband had travelled from distant araby++ carrying a child and a long package wrapped in swaddling clothes. Legend said they were Eimaros of Araby and Marin of Athea. The child would grow to be the most talented sorceror the empire had ever seen and legends said Eimaros and Marin had founded the holy”

“You never saw the Eldar on the ground anymore. Ten years ago they had been common but since the Snake Incident++, they’d kept to their floating citadels and had wielded their tyrannical power through lesser fey and glamoured mortals.

200 years ago the Eldar empire had destroyed the magics of Destra. Like some unnatural leech they had sucked the life and magic out of the land and perverted the countryside into a wild hunting preserve so ferocious every town had to maintain thirty foot palisades to keep the Wilde out.”

50 years ago Evvy’s mother Sthenno

?? The Nation of Grandfathers, the AllFather’s Folk fled the world,


Nine pound wheelgun - a gun, it only becomes a cannon at 64 pounds

Months of the year

  • Masaskey - May?
  • Auout - August

Day’s of the week

Sathsday → Sunday.


Table and Anvil constellation’ just creeping over the line of the trees so she reasoned it was about seven o’clock.’


Wildetongue - spoken by those of the WIlde including Boggarts and the League of Mystra



Gods’ Pestilence

Nodas’ feet!

Therea’s wounds!

Angel’s plague on you!

Pinion! Featherbrained (a compliment?)

a Rat’s tail for your chances (off. to Covey)

Faeriedrab - whore to the Fae

You Hoary Shucklover

(Dw) Beardless and Brainless

Brains of a Tabbno! (off.)


T Knave - idiot sneaky person

T Coxcomb

T whore

T harlot , trull, mackerel Bawdyhouse man/maid , drab

T punk (lowclass strumpet

T idiot of cokkes lane

Blonde-haired and penniless to boote


T A fart of ones arse for you (fart also denotes a lack of care

T Boar’s pizzle

arse of the demon

T prick, cock,

T Cliff - cunt

Ballocks of a turgid goat

you Snotmonger

but also :

you arse wipe!

vile critter

tudor swears mainly from and,aps,72&sr=8-1&tag=snxgb102-21

The MindMist

The enemy is not the monster AI or the government, but rather our inability to engage. A magical miasmatic plague is fogging our minds worse than any of our traditional enemies. The solution is for our young sculptor and her guardian to find out who the real enemy is. It’s not the environment, its not the government its people who use technology without understanding the consequences. is it us?

It’s people who label the Folk as Monsters

Mycelial labyrinth.

The Coveys and Dwarrow are Mycophelia, they love mushrooms

Humans and Gorgons are Mycophobic

Each labyrinth is a unique person, like the starswarm. The Ixmoor entity now occupies the labyrinth


“Selky was swabbing down muddy floor inside the Chequered Hog in Bayard.”

Book 2 Hook

It had taken her a while but she knew her head still dwelled on an altar in a deserted Alfar temple in the capitol ++Book2Hook+